"Ilmu pengetahuan Tertinggi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang tidak bisa dipikirkan oleh otak manusia tapi bisa dirasakan hati manusia"

"Top science is science that can not be considered by the human brain can be felt but the human heart"


Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011


# cd /usr/local/src/
# wget 'https://www.miraclelinux.com/update/files/u1/AX/IRCAX3/ircd-hybrid-7_2_3-1_1AX_x86_64.rpm'
# rpm -ivh ircd-hybrid-7_2_3-1_1AX_x86_64.rpm
# cd /etc/ircd/
# cp ircd.conf ircd.conf.org
# vi ircd.conf

serverinfo {
name = "professor"; 任意のサーバ名
sid = "001"; 001に変更
description = "PROFESSOR-IRC"; 任意のサーバ説明
network_name = "MyNet"; 任意のネットワーク名
network_desc = "This is My Network"; 任意のネットワーク説明
hub = no;
#vhost = "";
#vhost6 = "3ffe:80e8:546::2";
max_clients = 512; 最大接続ユーザー数
#rsa_private_key_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/rsa.key";
#ssl_certificate_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/cert.pem";

admin {
name = "sss"; 任意の管理者名
description = "Administrator"; 任意の管理者の説明
email = ""; 任意の管理者のメールアドレス

log {
use_logging = yes;
fname_userlog = "logs/userlog";
fname_operlog = "logs/operlog";
fname_killlog = "logs/kill";
fname_klinelog = "logs/kline";
fname_glinelog = "logs/gline";

class {
name = "users";
ping_time = 90 seconds;
number_per_ip = 2;
max_local = 2;
max_global = 10;
max_number = 100;
cidr_bitlen_ipv4 = 24;
cidr_bitlen_ipv6 = 120;
number_per_cidr = 16;
sendq = 100 kbytes;

class {
name = "opers";
ping_time = 90 seconds;
number_per_ip = 10;
max_number = 100;
sendq = 100kbytes;

class {
name = "server";
ping_time = 90 seconds;
ping_warning = 15 seconds;
connectfreq = 5 minutes;
max_number = 1;
sendq = 2 megabytes;

listen {
port = 6665 .. 6669;
flags = hidden, ssl;
host = "";
port = 6697;
host = "";
port = 7000, 7001;
host = "3ffe:1234:a:b:c::d";
port = 7002;

auth {
user = "*@*";
#user = "*test@123D:B567:*";
password = "professional";
encrypted = yes;
spoof = "I.still.hate.packets";
#class = "opers";
class = "users";
flags = need_password, spoof_notice, exceed_limit, kline_exempt,
gline_exempt, resv_exempt, no_tilde, can_flood, can_idle;

auth {
redirserv = "this.is.not.a.real.server";
redirport = 6667;
user = "*.server";
class = "users";

auth {
user = "*@*";
class = "users";
flags = need_ident;

operator {
name = "god";
user = "*god@*";
user = "*@";
password = "etcnjl8juSU1E";
encrypted = yes;
# rsa_public_key_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/oper.pub";
class = "opers";
# umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;
flags = global_kill, remote, kline, unkline, xline,
die, rehash, nick_changes, admin, operwall;

connect {
name = "irc.uplink.com";
host = "";
vhost = "";
send_password = "password";
accept_password = "anotherpassword";
encrypted = no;
port = 6666;
hub_mask = "*";
# leaf_mask = "*.uk";
# fakename = "*.arpa";
class = "server";
# flags = autoconn, lazylink, compressed, cryptlink, burst_away, topicburst;

connect {
name = "encrypted.auth.example";
host = "some.host.somewhere";
port = 6667;
flags = cryptlink;
rsa_public_key_file = "etc/remote.server.keyfile";
# cipher_preference = "BF/168";

connect "ipv6.some.server" {
host = "3ffd:dead:beef::1";
send_password = "password";
accept_password = "password";
port = 6666;
aftype = ipv6;
class = "server";

cluster {
name = "*.arpa";
type = kline, unkline, locops, xline, resv;

shared {
name = "irc2.some.server";
user = "oper@my.host.is.spoofed";
type = kline, unkline, resv;

kill {
user = "bad@*.hacked.edu";
reason = "Obviously hacked account";

kill {
user = "^O[[:alpha:]]?[[:digit:]]+(x\.o|\.xo)$@^[[:alnum:]]{4}\.evilnet.org$";
type = regex;

deny {
ip = "";
reason = "Reconnecting vhosted bots";

exempt {
ip = "";

resv {
reason = "There are no services on this network";
nick = "nickserv";
nick = "chanserv";
channel = "#services";
reason = "Clone bots";
nick = "clone*";

gecos {
name = "*sex*";
reason = "Possible spambot";

gecos {
name = "sub7server";
reason = "Trojan drone";

gecos {
name = "*http*";
reason = "Spambot";

gecos {
name = "^\[J[0o]hn Do[3e]\]-[0-9]{2,5}$";
type = regex;

channel {
disable_fake_channels = yes;
restrict_channels = no;
disable_local_channels = no;
use_invex = yes;
use_except = yes;
use_knock = yes;
knock_delay = 1 minutes;
knock_delay_channel = 1 minute;
burst_topicwho = yes;
max_chans_per_user = 25;
quiet_on_ban = yes;
max_bans = 25;
join_flood_count = 16;
join_flood_time = 8 seconds;
default_split_user_count = 0;
default_split_server_count = 0;
no_create_on_split = yes;
no_join_on_split = no;

serverhide {
flatten_links = no;
links_delay = 5 minutes;
hidden = no;
disable_hidden = no;
hide_servers = no;
hidden_name = "*.hidden.com";
hide_server_ips = no;

general {
gline_min_cidr = 16;
gline_min_cidr6 = 48;
invisible_on_connect = yes;
burst_away = no;
use_whois_actually = yes;
kill_chase_time_limit = 90;
hide_spoof_ips = yes;
ignore_bogus_ts = no;
disable_auth = no;
disable_remote_commands = no;
tkline_expire_notices = no;
default_floodcount = 10;
failed_oper_notice = yes;
dots_in_ident = 2;
dot_in_ip6_addr = no;
min_nonwildcard = 4;
min_nonwildcard_simple = 3;
max_accept = 20;
anti_nick_flood = yes;
max_nick_time = 20 seconds;
max_nick_changes = 5;
anti_spam_exit_message_time = 5 minutes;
ts_warn_delta = 30 seconds;
ts_max_delta = 5 minutes;
kline_with_reason = yes;
kline_reason = "Connection closed";
reject_hold_time = 0;
warn_no_nline = yes;
stats_e_disabled = no;
stats_o_oper_only = yes;
stats_P_oper_only = yes;
stats_i_oper_only = yes;
stats_k_oper_only = yes;
caller_id_wait = 1 minute;
opers_bypass_callerid = no;
pace_wait_simple = 1 second;
pace_wait = 10 seconds;
short_motd = no;
ping_cookie = no;
no_oper_flood = yes;
true_no_oper_flood = yes;
oper_pass_resv = yes;
idletime = 0;
havent_read_conf = 1;
max_targets = 4;
client_flood = 2560 bytes;
message_locale = "standard";
oper_only_umodes = bots, cconn, cconn_full, debug, full, skill,
nchange, rej, spy, external, operwall,
locops, unauth;

oper_umodes = bots, locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;
#servlink_path = "/usr/local/ircd/bin/servlink";
#default_cipher_preference = "BF/168";
# use_egd = yes;
# egdpool_path = "/var/run/egd-pool";
# compression_level = 6;
throttle_time = 10;

glines {
enable = yes;
duration = 1 day;
logging = reject, block;
user = "god@I.still.hate.packets";
name = "hades.arpa";
action = reject, block;
user = "god@*";
name = "*";
action = block;

modules {
path = "/usr/local/ircd/modules";
path = "/usr/local/ircd/modules/autoload";
#module = "some_module.so";

# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 6669 -j ACCEPT
# vi /etc/ircd/ircd.motd
# chkconfig --add ircd

irssi yum install glib2-devel openssl-devel # wget http://irssi.org/files/irssi-0.8.13.tar.gz # ./configure --enable-ssl --with-bot # make # make install http://d.hatena.ne.jp/papa-to-juju/20101119/1290138154 http://webtech-walker.com/archive/2010/02/01090136.html

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