"Ilmu pengetahuan Tertinggi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang tidak bisa dipikirkan oleh otak manusia tapi bisa dirasakan hati manusia"

"Top science is science that can not be considered by the human brain can be felt but the human heart"


Senin, 08 Agustus 2011


#include "module.h"
#define AUTHOR "Dj-RuFfy"
#define VERSION "$Id: ircd_vhostserv.c v2.0.2 04-03-2008 Dj-RuFfy $"

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Name : ircd_vhostserv.c
* Author : Dj-RuFfy [Dj-RuFfy@easynets.com]
* Version : 2.0.2
* Date : 2nd October, 2006
* Update : 23th March, 2008
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Description:
* This module create a new services client/bot. The bot have its own fantasy command
* !vhost and !groupvhost. The bot will answer the fantasy commands ONLY on its own channel.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Providing Fantasy Commands:
* !vhost some.vhost.here - set a vhost for users
* !groupvhost group.vhost.here - set vhost for all users in group
* !vhost restricted - list all restricted vhosts
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Change Log:
* v1.0.0 - First Public Release
* v1.0.1 -
* a) Fixed a few mem leaks
* b) Fixed a bug on vIdent
* v1.0.2 -
* a) Minor code update
* b) Added modload prevention for unsupported IRCd's. The module will not load on
* unsupported IRCd's (bahamut, dreamforge, hybrid, ratbox).
* c) Added Tokens support
* d) Added checked for vHost channel before modload. If the vHost channel is not
* registered, the module will not load.
* v2.0.0 - Fixed a crash bug when the line starts with a space in it.
* v2.0.1 -
* a) Added !groupvhost fantasy command for setting all users vhost in a group
* b) Added configuration directive support
* c) Added vhost flood protection; will now kick/ban users after a vhost is set
* d) Remove !hs on|off fantasy command
* e) Module will not load on version less than 1.7.21
* v2.0.2 -
* a) Added check for unallowed vhosts.
* b) Added options to kick-ban users who request unallowed vhosts.
* c) Added fantasy command "!vhost restricted" to list all restricted hosts so that
* a user can be warned first before kickban.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Module made possible using vhost fantasy module by Trystan
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This module have 10 configurable options.
* Copy/Paste below on services.conf

# BotNick [REQUIRED]
# Module: ircd_vhostserv
# Define what nick the bot will have.
BotNick "vHostServ"

# BotIdent [REQUIRED]
# Define the bot identd.
BotIdent "Bot"

# BotHost [REQUIRED]
# Define the bot hostname or vhost.
BotHost "LocalHost-IRC.Host.Bot"

# BotReal [REQUIRED]
# Define the bot realname.
BotReal "/msg vHostServ Help"

# vHostChannel [REQUIRED]
# Define your network vhost channel.
vHostChannel "#vHost"

# BanClearTime

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