"Ilmu pengetahuan Tertinggi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang tidak bisa dipikirkan oleh otak manusia tapi bisa dirasakan hati manusia"

"Top science is science that can not be considered by the human brain can be felt but the human heart"


Senin, 08 Agustus 2011


; myndzi / v1.0
; whatismyip.com automatic local info configuration
; this my another script by Dj-RuFfy
; Last Edited by Dj-RuFfy
; Thanks To All Friends

on *:start:.disable #wimhost

alias wimip sockclose wimip | sockopen wimip www.whatismyip.com 80

on *:sockopen:wimip:{
if ($sockerr) return
sockwrite -n $sockname GET / HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.whatismyip.com
sockwrite -n $sockname
on *:sockread:wimip:{
if ($sockerr) return
var %t | sockread %t
while ($sockbr) {
if (*** iswm %t) {
var %ip = $gettok(%t,4,32)
localinfo $iif($host == $null,%ip,$host) %ip
sockclose $sockname
.enable #wimhost
.timer 1 0 .dns $ip
sockread %t
on *:sockwrite:wimip:if ($sockerr) return
on *:sockclose:wimip:if ($sockerr) return

#wimhost off
on *:dns:{
if ($dns(1).ip == $ip) .disable #wimhost
if ($dns(1).addr != $null) localinfo $dns(%i).addr $ip
echo -st Local host: $host ( $+ $ip $+ )
#wimhost end

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